Top Event Videographers in San Francisco

Capture your corporate events or conferences with our dedicated videographer crew. Driven by passion and years of experience, we have the creativity and skills required to produce a stellar brand story.

One-Stop Solution to Your Event Videography Requirements

We are highly specialized in video production and have experience capturing a variety of events, across different industries.
wedding videography services
Corporate Identity: Want to showcase your brand identity online? We can help you build a short and crisp brand identity video that reflects your business and services skillfully.
Corporate Conferences: Let our expert videographers record your conferences and use it to give non-attendees an opportunity to get an overview and even market for the next year attendees.
Training Videos: Does your business offer training services? An overview training video will give users the chance to get an understanding of your services and confidence to enroll right away.
Video Commercials: Luring in customers can be a challenge in these tough times. Hire our video commercial markers to drive more audience, engage them and fulfill your business objectives.
Product Videos: Do you run a product based company in San Francisco planning to grow your business? Opt for our product videography services and grab more eyeballs with a captivating video.
Launch Party Videos: Such events work effectively for people attending it in person. With our event videography services, you can showcase your launch events to others as well.

All-Inclusive Event Videography Services

What we do is more than just cinematography. Video marketing is our speciality. To deliver the best, we understand the end goal of our clients and provide the final edited version in a way that will drive more engagement from the viewers.

Full Coverage

Be it a festival, fundraiser or corporate event, we cover them all. To ensure providing the best experience, we provide custom packages and services.

Best Equipment

To capture and record minute level details (both in day and night events), we use top-of-the-shelf cameras, lenses, gimbals, tripods, lighting kit, etc.

Video Editing

We are a one stop solution for all your event videography needs. As a part of our service, we provide both raw footage and edited versions of your events.

Why Choose Reb6Studios For Event Videography Services?

We are innovative storytellers on a mission to disrupt the conventional video advertising industry.
Project Understanding: We invest time in our clients, understanding their project so that we can be familiar with their company. We will look into every aspect, specifying, & establishing a purposeful brand name connection.
Presenting the Right Message: Your brand name is your assurance to the customer, and we take that quite seriously. We are excited to work with you to not only meet your expectations but to blow you away!
Knowledge with Expertise: We provide technological experience, imaginative vision at affordable costs. We understand social media & how to create videos that will catch the viewers attention in a short span of time.
Image of video interview

Case Studies

1. Capital One - Event Highlights (May 2018)

Task at Hand: Goal was to capture community involvement and excitement in our Walnut Creek Café space with Yelp Elites and attendees. The approach to editing was to create an upbeat vibe and to showcase how fun it really is to hangout at one of Walnut Creek’s Capital One Cafe and interview a couple of Yelp Eliters.
As you will see on the final video below, we didn’t reveal the interviews with the yelp elites right away because that would be too boring to stuff them all at once. We intertwined the events, fun parts, and interviews together into one magical piece.

Do you or your company need a group that understands how to transform a viewer into a buyer? Click on the button below and let us discuss your company's video marketing goals!


2. The Case Conference (April 2018)

Task at Hand: Film the conference competition & take photos of the event as well. Day 1 – Film the presentations presented by each of the participants from all over the globe to participate in Case Competition. Day 2 – Film and photograph the Final Presentations and Winner Announcement. We need to create a high quality video and high quality audio to be used for their company’s video highlight reel to be posted on their website. We were subcontracted to do the filming part. The company reached out to us and was looking for a video production company in San Francisco to film and photograph for the purpose of creating a highlight reel. This highlight reel will be used to attract more participants to join and to attract more sponsors for the company.

3. Project for IQMetrix - Conference Video

Task at Hand: Film the conference IQMetrix booth. We need to showcase the booth, the conference, and the activities inside the booth. We also need to feature the kiosks/solutions they offer. There will be no editing on this project, and the files have to be directly submitted to their satellite office for the in-house editors.

No talking heads interview is requested for this project. Their in-house editor will create a short highlight and the files have to be submitted the same day through online dropbox. Bam! Done! We delivered the files on time!